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Moving Comments into a Block - Drupal 7

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Most of the time, Drupal's convention of printing comments and the comment form inside the node template (node.tpl.php) is desirable, and doesn't cause any headaches.

However, I've had a few cases where I wanted to either put comments and the comment form in another place on the page, and in the most recent case, I asked around to see what people recommended for moving comments out of the normal rendering method. I found a few mentions of using Panels, and also noticed the Commentsblock module that does something like this using Views.

However, I just wanted to grab the normal comment information, and stick it directly into a block, and put that block somewhere else. I didn't want Views' overhead, or to have to re-theme and tweak things in Views, since I already have a firm grasp of comment rendering and form theming with the core comment display.

So, I set out to do something similar to this comment on drupal.org (which was also suggested by Jimajamma on Drupal Answers).

First, I had to hide the comments from the normal rendering pipeline in node.tpl.php, which involved using template_preprocess_node() to set 'comment' to 0, and a check in node.tpl.php to make sure $content['comments'] would only be rendered if $comment evaluated to TRUE:

function THEMENAME_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
// For note nodes, disable comments in the node template.
if ($variables['type'] == 'note') {
$variables['comment'] = 0;

Then, I simply built a block in my custom module, and used the magic of comment_node_page_additions() to render the comments and comment form, just as they would render under the node, except in my own, spiffy comment block:

* Implements hook_node_view().
function MODULENAME_node_view($node, $view_mode) {
$node_comments// Store node comments in global variable so we can put them in a block.
if ($node->type == 'note' && isset($node->content['comments'])) {
$node_comments = $node->content['comments'];
* Implements hook_block_info().
function MODULENAME_block_info() {
$blocks['note_comments'] = array(
'info' => t('Note Comments'),
'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE,
* Implements hook_block_view().
function MODULENAME_block_view($delta = '') {
$block = array();
  if (
$delta == 'note_comments') {
// Get the active menu object.
if ($node = menu_get_object()) {
// Make sure user is viewing a note.
if ($node->type == 'note') {
$block['content'] = '';
// Set the title of the block.
$block['subject'] = NULL;
// Render the comments and comment form (access checks, etc. are done
        // by comment_node_page_additions()).
$block['content'] .= drupal_render($node_comments);

Then, after a quick trip to the Configure > Blocks page, where I assigned my block to a region, I had a slick comments block that I could render anywhere!

Original Post: 

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